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FISA memo: Full text

The House Intel Memo On FISA Abuse Was Just Released. Read It Here. A widely anticipated House Intelligence Committee memo on alleged FISA abuses by federal authorities was just released to the. The House Intelligence Committee released the much anticipated memo on Friday afternoon. (pdf here) Full Memo Embed Below. The memo discusses abuses involving FISA, or the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, during the election. (LINK). FISA memo: Full text - Free download as PDF File .pdf) or read online for free. After two weeks of bitter feuding between Republicans and Democrats and the White House and the FBI, the GOP-authored memo on surveillance has been released to the public.5/5(90).

fisa memo pdf download

Fisa memo pdf download

Like Liked by 4 people. Do they realize our democracy ends if this is not rectified, with a complete cleaning out and people brought to justice? This is outrageous. Like Liked by 2 people. Sessions, fisa memo pdf download, Pence and 3 out of 4 Secretaries are in that category. Donald Trump and a few staff and a few Secretaries stand absolutely alone…. Their hubris blinded them beginning with targeting Michael Flynn — a patriot and MI who took his responsibility to this republic very seriously.

Michael Flynn knows where all the bodies are buried including the treason of Bowe Bergdahl and the supposedly raid on the Obama compound.

Not all is it appeared to be. Michael Flynn was targeted long before this Mueller found fisa memo pdf download way to charge him. This charge and removal from the appointed advisor to DT was payback for arousing rage by Hussein. It was all for optics ad treacherous ones at best. Michael Flynn also built a case involving human trafficking involving children abducted for pleasure of the elite across the political landscape and more. I leave the rest to the coming exposure because it is so evil.

So yes — Michael Flynn is the man that will blow up the hierarchy in our government and fisa memo pdf download. After his major fall-out with Hussein he desired to retire from active duty. This memo is the start of much worse to come, fisa memo pdf download. It is the worst to come because president Trump and his team pose a serious threat to all of them not only here in the US but abroad as well.

I have high hope that this president will succeed to take down not only the swamp but the globalists themselves. There are on notice! The Mockingbird media will be the start of the takedown so as to stop the propaganda news telling viewers how and what to think. We know how they operate and that will come to an end. Not one minute too soon! In the meantime please pray for our men and women in our Armed Forces as well as president Donald Trump, his family including his team and administration.

Like Like. Take care of yourself!! Your army of warriors are standing with you. FBI were tracking Page and Manafort. Anyone know? There was a mention of Sessions. I say he is too dumb! These guys got pushed on the team by whom?

I did not fisa memo pdf download Papadopolous was ever actually hired by the Trump campaign. Dollars to donuts. We knew they were spying. On all of us. Now our worst fears have come to light that government spying leads to manufactured evidence created by secret US courts. This is bad. This is what Libertarians warned us about! It does not matter what the naysayers proclaim, the Swamp can and must be destroyed.

This is only the beginning. Got love the irony and hypocrisy of the Democrats, their deep state praetorians and their media allies playing the security card.

For over two years thy willingly repeated leaks, sources and leaked classified data to assault Trump…. Like Liked by 1 person. Just read the news about Britain and Russian military scaring the bejezzus out of the Brits. They rave on, they file all the polonium cases, they hide the stolen hundreds of billions the runaway oligarchs took from Russia, and they spy on American citizens for our IC. Age Imo, that is why Trump has not stepped foot in England. He has travelled the world in this past year, but somehow has not visited our oldest ally.

Like Liked by 3 people. This is a well-known truism. Nothing substantive in my opinion that changes the conclusion of the memo, fisa memo pdf download.

Well, half the country will care, so I think most of us would want to know if he was able to make a case. I found it was the only reliable place to get information on the nominee, fisa memo pdf download.

The comments from other readers are also on topic and clear. Thank you Sundance fisa memo pdf download all the commenters for your dedication to Truth and the Fisa memo pdf download Way.

Love you all. NC Nana. Like Liked by 17 people. Markets get jittery when they are overdue for a correction. It actually strengthens the bull run for this to occur.

Like Liked by 8 people. You are right—on, fisa memo pdf download. How many of us have been saying that the market is going to correct, but probably not fisa memo pdf download that much, fisa memo pdf download.

At some point these investors are going to have to sell and take their profits. This was what we saw and the Memo had not a thing to do with it……. So if that is all true, why the hell were they still surveilling him? There needs to be some true facts come out about Page, fisa memo pdf download. He was a well respected intelligent man with expertise in energy?

I believe, fisa memo pdf download. He was ask to speak at a symposium in Russia and asked if there would be a problem and they said no… it didnt have anything to do with Trump.

But, thats all they needed to tie a connection it looks like. I am really disgusted. I sure hope there is the 2nd punch coming quickly, this one is a draw with the MSM.

A draw with the MSM? Perhaps, fisa memo pdf download, but I think not. The hysterical meltdowns by the rabid statists with regard to both the memo and the SOTU work together to push independents towards Trump. Also the work of the memo is not done. It is just the opening salvo and it can be strengthened and reinforced by subsequent additional releases, convincing to any rational person and forcing prosecution.

I have a few links on Carter Page, but these are important. Both needing cleanup? Special counsel? What about Wray? He seems untouched by this memo, but if the FBI is overtaken by a cleanup, he will be going also? Memo answered some questions, but now have more questions…. Someone on Twittet told Comey he is turning into McMullen! That cracked me up! Part of my entertainment was the insult to Comey fisa memo pdf download my delight was in finding McMullin has been turned himself into a laughingstock a caricature with which others are insulted!

Although we all had higher expectations, there is a silver lining. Mueller now knows the basis of his investigation is corrupt due to unvetted information Steele. This is an interesting point. It had to happen this way, fisa memo pdf download. Admittedly, I hate the hype. Absolutely hate it, but, in the bigger picture, it has a purpose.

IRS Vs. Tea Party non profits comes to mind…. When dirty cops are found all the cases that they worked on in the past become tainted and the convictions are thrown out.

Perhaps all the cases they worked on for the last 8 years under Obama could be thrown out. This is in part what Ozero44 was hoping for.

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FBI: Nunes won't reveal FISA memo alleging surveillance abuse

, time: 5:02

Fisa memo pdf download

fisa memo pdf download

A fter two weeks of bitter feuding between Republicans and Democrats and the White House and the FBI, the GOP-authored memo on surveillance has been released to the public. Feb 02,  · Read the full memo text below or download the full memo as a PDF in part on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Page and three FISA renewals, according to the memo. Feb 02,  · Read Rep. Devin Nunes' FISA court memo, released Friday after being declassified by President Donald Trump. Nunes is a Republican from central California.

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